@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Find the best vaction place to stay

Filter by

Hotel Star Rating

Hotel Star Rating
Result:20 hotel(s Found)
  • Sort by
@foreach ($hotels as $hotel)

Warning: Undefined variable $hotel in C:\xampp\htdocs\hoteline\resources\views\home\hotelList.blade.php on line 73

Warning: Attempt to read property "image_1" on null in C:\xampp\htdocs\hoteline\resources\views\home\hotelList.blade.php on line 73
Hotel Image
{{ $hotel->name }}
{{ $hotel->street_address }}
  • {{ $hotel->rating }}
Promo Special 20% off
RM 162
per night
@once @push('scripts') @endpush @endonce @endsection